Monday, December 26, 2011

Haiku - A Collection

!±8± Haiku - A Collection


Love tickles

with erect pistil:



Oleander and

hibiscus blaze with passion--

making love in sun



on the spider's web--

a hibiscus


Narrowly escape

the midair web of spider

perched on hibiscus


The lone hibiscus

waits for the sun to bloom:

morning's first offering


Red oleander and

hibiscus calling morning

to Kali


Without washing hands

he touches hibiscus for worship:

her frowning glance


After little rain

lilies smile with hibiscus--

the sun in May


Too short

can't reach the height:



To reach the branch

raising her other arm--

twisted hibiscus



on the mossy roof

deeply rooted


Too big for its web

between two roses--

a yellow spider


In their webs

spiders racing to spin

their meatless prey


Around falling leaves

a lone dreaming flower--



Stands alone in

the assembly of flowers--

Valentine's Day


Not sad to die

blooming after a day's rain--

the mushroom


Fresh mushrooms

hidden in decaying leaves:

missing the season


Shrouded in fog

the lone pomegranate

in the courtyard


Lying in the dust

a guava bitten off

by the parrots


Pausing between bites

on the guava tree

the parrots


Ravined inner shell

of the walnut--

his face


Her shapely figure

in orange blouse and blue jeans

strained at the hips


Taking a nap

on oranges in his shop--

a fruit vendor


He stands before

the nude Venus awaiting

her gown to drop


Diving in the sky

apsaras on the stone caves--

God-touch in motion


December morning--

the first roses in the lawn:

fragrance in passing


Leaves sway

to fly like birds

free in the sky


Waving down

a leaf settles between

her breasts


Veiling her breasts

with the season's first snows--

the hill blushes


All night trees wave

with roaring winds:

autumn in the courtyard


The autumn flame

infects his reverie:

panic in the leaves


Raising her saree

above the thighs bends to ease

and blocks my way


Rising early

to make tea for everyone

the newly wed wife


Mouth opened

to lick her ice cream--

brown tongue


Dissatisfied with

each other the two of us

in an empty house


In the grey of dusk

sway between hope and despair

their dream promises


Leaning sideways

she looks at mango pickle--

caries ache


Basking in the sun

files nails in garden chair

my wife's friend


No joy in lighting

the candles this Diwali:

both the children away


Awaits his son's

phone call from the border:

dogs and cats wail


His son's voice

not relayed by wire:

tense borders


His first winter

inside a fibre-hut

swirl of snowflakes


With sweated smile

stands behind the broken fence

his aged father


Not age but

years of worries

his furrowed face


Shadow of age

on the wall--

second full moon


Whiteness of the moon

and rocks howl with the wind--

December in the veins


A star shines bright

beside the crescent moon

she fakes a smile


A crescent

in the western horizon--

missing the moon


A thin fog

hides the wintry moon

rising slowly


The half moon

on her neck reminds of love

before departure



all of the moon at night--

white chrysanthemum


The sky couldn't retain

all of the moon now enveloping

my house through windows


Setting moon

leaves behind sparkle

on the waves


Noisy birds

don't let me sleep:

midnight moon


Through the window

gaze at the moon hid behind

cloud after cloud


Fearing allergies

he misses full moon party

savours white light


Wet bodies

of bathing women:

full moon night



under the blue moon--

the dry sky


They all look for

a little more moon coming

back from movie


Standing behind

the window bars observes

darkness in shapes


Unmoved by the wind

he sits on a rock wearing

peace of the lake


Night bombing

leaves the garden

white as death


An A-bomb victim

from behind the window bars

bowing to the sun


Vultures waiting

for the leftovers

of the sacrifice


In the ruins

searching her photo:




on her bed rings

the cell phone


A dead voice

calling up at dawn:

drowsy eyes


Waiting for the train

alone on the platform

swatting mosquitoes


Without humming

mosquitoes alight and bite--

all night awake


The lone poet

watching his interview--

two minutes fame


Night's rumblings

prayers add wings to breezes

morning's serene calm



in the morning sun--

his long shadow



of the body's joy--

the ascetic


A young couple

under the red umbrella

rejoicing privacy



before the climax

the other woman


Between virgin curves

he deep-breathes evening mist

rests in the hollow


Shell-shocked or frozen

he stands in tears on hill top

craving nirvana


The lone mushroom--

a pregnant woman

stares out of the window


Facing the sun

the lone flower

dying to bloom


A dead leaf hangs

by a spider's thread

invisible in sun


Under the tree

in meditation sunken

a lone stone


So many headlights

and my myopic vision--

walking difficult


Setting ablaze

Muslim houses and children

seekers of Ram


White-yellow trail

the Mirage on mission:

ten souls buried


Amidst roaring guns

clouds blossom snow lotus:

light hilly terrain


On the margin of

home-to-work-to-home routine--

life's achievements


Shivering in the cold

young boys sell balloons late night--

New Year revelers


Half-fleshed faces

track from behind the windows

rawness of journey


Journeying tries

to raise his silence

to prayer


Never enough

the earth's hunger for graves:

peace barricaded


The red light is on:

they all have secrets to hide

no use peeping in


Disposable blades

one over the other--

dusty switchboard


Seismic lab

a network of cobweb:

no earthquake for long


No Zen thought--

scribbling haiku with

gun in hand


With her breasts bobbing

up and down she challenges

the moon as she walks


Sees the eyes

in walls as I rise

to kiss her



in empty whiteness:



Wiping tears

from each other's eyes

two souls in love


Writing with strands of

watery hair on her back

a love haiku


Shedding bitterness

of the tiff in sex act

she and I


Moist lips parting

on a tea cup promising



Tastier my tea

with her one sip--

I keep the cup


Bending down to pick up

apple she presses

piercing embrace


Looking lovingly

she bends his head down to hers

twines like a creeper


She preys the body

behind obsidian sheath

fatuous flap


After burns

leaving the body

the dead skin


Rain-soaked sun

sheds its sultry light:

her bare back


Crouching out of the bath

with hand on the genital

his new tenant


A pregnant woman

bending over the mushroom

bloomed under a tree


Awaits the bloom

of love in her womb:

silent action


Lovely with hope

the glow in her eyes:

no need of sun


Her body--

the night's perfection

in dim light


Seeing her

a liquid sensation

between the thighs


On a canvas

a poet in twilight

painting her skin


Sensing her presence

he stares down the street--

lingering perfume


A star in making--

but an island appears:

the palm amuses


Sipping gin with lime

he says he loves sex each night

but hates the smell


Looking for Taj in grains

through sand-storm find history

trapped between toes


Bleeding fingers draw

new domes of betrayal in

windy matrices


He walks down the aisle

looking for the nave in her

to kneel and slide out


His tongue

between the teeth--

sudden sneeze


Fed up with my sex

she threatens to move

to our daughter's room


Leaves him alone

to escape daily rape

in bed his wife


The bedroom altar

no substitute for temple--

sacrifice of sex


Winter's chill--

sweating under the gown

her thighs and breasts



her stooping breasts--

the first night


Measuring life with

ejaculatory rhythm--

envies sparrow sports


Her thighs--

resting place for my head

on bed


Trying to decipher

the complex curves on my palms

in the morning rays


Fondling her breasts

I incite a poem

on her body


A film of mist

between my eyes

and her image


Locked in her eyes

the bright glow

of the goddess


Melting in

the colour of the heart

the sun in the west


A lizard shrieks

before the climax:

love making


The blood passes through

green veins I hear the heart play

melody of dews


Every breath

love in action--

fire in the hole


No bottom reader

but the shape and the lines do tell

she can stir the soul


The aching limbs and

blood dripping between the legs:

love-making postponed


With his head between

the knees he squats and smells

the body's sweat


Bones rattle to make

a song of flesh in the night---




blaming her

not old age


Lies with her

in freezing cold:

an empty tube



jangles odours presences--

twinges in bed


Drying on the line

pork venison and beef--

the room smells their vests


Don't know their tongue--

the stars beyond the mountains

whisper among themselves


While I lie alone

shapeless fears rest on my eyes

heavier than time


Searching salvation

a moth flies into the lamp:

oily burial


Colours sparkle in

the morning's dew on the blooms--

my breathing changes


Nobody cares

burial of my dreams

in coal dust


Besides allergies

so many other complaints:

sudden weather change


Bronchial breathing--

the only sound audible

in the soulless space


Noisy birds

don't let me sleep:

midnight moon


Sparrows couple

on a withered creeper--

peep of day


He sweeps yellow leaves

or gathers years in a heap

burns to merge with dust


Cleaning dusts from

the old sandals for a walk:

again the same pain


Peeling paint

from the drawing room--

shaows flicker


Seeing no image

in the mirror of time--

foggy blankness


Hot bath or no bath--

the cough persists unmindful

of the New Year's eve


Sees in a flash--

opening the eyes

takes a long time


Linked with anxiety

my comfort at his home:

Ph.D. viva


Fear of forgetting--

car insurance premium

paid a month ahead


Fears the approach

of night with him--

twisting tassels


In the lone room

prefers haiku to yoga

drinking scotch


My bedroom

a maze of cobweb

spiders breed


Sunday afternoon--

waving into gin

two drops of lime


Difficult to change

I am what I have disowned--

dressing down salads


The bed is short

and the covering shorter--

crouching alone



by passions and clamours--

Buddha's calm


Seeks Buddha's stone bowl

to win the bamboo princess:

she dwells on moon beams


Her heart

a thousand doors of



Standing behind

the window bars observes

darkness in shapes



into dust her last



Trying to read good news

I look at the lines taking

new turns on my palms


Looking for riches

in her left hand shortening

days on the pavement


They sculpture psyche

in the city of dumb dreams:

idols sweat in sun


Pulling out white hairs

she reminds increasing age:

time's fragrance unchanged


Still a child--

embracing a breast

sleeps her man



anger with roses:

petals fall


They all walk

like shadows in night

for themselves


Lying on his table

a few unanswered letters

and unrealized dreams


A little child

chases the painted dreams

on butterfly wings


Two butterflies

racing with each other

perch on the wire


A child's fingers feel

the butterfly lying

one with yellow leaves


Sudden rain drops wet

the wings of a butterfly

lying at the basil


Lost my way again

asking for direction:

a pleasant change


Locked between the cracks

cockroaches in the alcove

dropping their eggs


Awaiting their turn

to feast on a dead dog

crows in a circle


A crow hits

the scare crow and cracks

its earthen head


A crow picking

at the ripe papaya and

another waiting


A yellow spider

on the blooming marigold

weaves tiny webs


Two lizards fight

to mate on the wall--

balancing act


Swiftly passes by

a yellow snake on the grass--

moistened trail of love


After the quake

a dog sniffing his master's

presence in the rubble


Searching Christ's sandals

in the pile of shoes at

the church's entrance


Traffic snails through

the water-logged road I feel

a manhole cover


Dust mites devouring

the secrets preserved

in my diary


Seeing my shadow

three fish in the pond look

for a safe corner


In the well

studying her image

a woman


A hooker hides

behind the green letter box:

looking for a client


Cut wrongly

each body a slave--

grey faces


Too heavy

these man-made machines

choking weight


Students murmuring

over the class test result:

the teacher's curved lips


In the moving train

sleeping on his feet

the newspaperman


Flowers inviting

seeds of love scattered in

the perfumed garden


Looking for a prey

a snake slides through the fence:

warmth of the sun


Safe from sun

under nascent leaf

a gold fish


After sleepless night

a drowsy sun tears

the morning sky


With sunrise

gone to sleep

the morning moon


Two dreamy eyes

await the rising sun

through the fogged window


A sweating sun

after the midnight chill--

changing hues of spring


The sun conceals

aeons of darkness planets

mirror in the sky


Closing its eyes

in the setting sun--

the Ganges in autumn


A cloud-eagle

curves to the haze

in the west


A butterfly rests

on the butterfly tattooed

on her sunning back


The sun not yet set

but the full moon rises

as if in a hurry


Setting sun

leaves behind sparkle

on the waves


Suddenly rise

the sleeping waves from far off--

'quake in the sea


Swollen sea

boiling over the head--

roars increase


The sun rolls

on the waving Ganges--

whitens love-hope


On the wave's crest

travels a fallen leaf--

rot on the bank


Couldn't erase the wind's

soliloquy from the waves

breaking on the shore


Traveling back

from the waves of bliss

a foam-leap


On the waves rise shells

in accents lie with love--

beauty on the shore


A lamp floating on

river breast in bridal grace--

waves in the gloaming


Bathing in thousands

they float lamps on her breast

the river sparkles


Knee-deep in the pond

standing obeisantly

nude worshipers


Ends with ritual

one more morning--

sun-worshipers in the pond


Awaits the sunrise

in the chilly Ganges

a nude worshiper


Sees visions

eating food of gods--



Fills the void

with illusions and self--

names them god


December almost

over what new wish to add

to Christmas wish list


On Christmas eve

santa claus takes leave--

mist on chairs in pairs



between flowers

Jesus on the cross


Making holes

in the wooden cross

white ants


Colours of envy

stick on their colleagues' faces:

Holi revelry


Krishna offering

parijata to Radha:

Narada looks on


The temple's dome

in the flooded Ganga--

empty kalash


Fermenting spring

in the arms of lovers:

a secret sin


The cherry pink

in the spring--

a framed nude



suffocates in bed--

chill seeps through slit


Wintry chill--

enters the cold bed:

skips morning walk


Winter allergies--

I stay inside to escape

the wind in full moon


The long night passes

sleeplessly I deep-breathe

the December chill


Alone and sleepless

count hours by asthmatic bouts--

the long winter nights


A part of the night

hidden in the morning moon:

the sun waves bye-bye


Nothing changes

the night's ugliness

in the lone bed


The first night

spots on the sheet:

clothes wake up


Long wintry night--

opening the mail box

for a date



darkness of the opening:

standing erect


Whiteness of the moon

and rocks howl with the wind--

December in the veins


Seek my haven

where the sky arches the sea--

a white gull leads


Stars mock his drinking

alone on the cement bench:

moon in the glass


Spend our short time

together after a long

watching the moon



all of the moon at night--

white chrysanthemums


Seeking smell

in cactus flowers:

late monsoon


Awaiting rains

for the litchis to sweeten

in the dry backyard


Clouds don't rain

coldly come and go--

icy bed


All night rain

the gaping roof

her shelter


Sudden rain

on the way home--

a peacock


After the night's rain

the sky's still overcast:

wet Christmas today


Through thick clouds

sees an arc of moon--

her belly


Shadow of age

on the wall--

second full moon


Lonely nights and

days of non-stop rains--

depression mounts



on the wings of winter

ill news



return of the light and warmth:

winter solstice


Feels the shadow

with wet fingers

in the fog


Mist surrounds:

the steel statue watches

few visitors


Morning fog:

her face invisible

even the sun


The evening fog:

invisible her hand

on my shoulder


Slowly clears

the morning fog--

end of the year


Swollen fogs

ready to make way

for the sun


Her make-up spoilt

in the evening mist:

looking for light


After dust storm rain

alloy with cool colours:

rainbow in the west


Splendid with the moon

night in silver peace dreams

through folds of light


Sees beard

shining in the mirror:

morning on the face


In a flash

trapping eternity--

the camera


Post-lunch solitude

filled with thoughts that couldn't become

even a haiku


The first night:

spots on the sheet:

clothes wake up


A sly lover

ejaculates poison--

sting operation


With glittering diamond

on the navel swinging

an item bomb


The phone rings:

in the middle he rises--

prayers unsaid


With a telescope

view the lunar eclipse--

midnight shadows


Out of wood and stone

he carves his vision of peace:

night's secret visage


In the ruins

searching her photo:



Suffer animals

with a peculiar smeel:

men in white khadi


Crossing the shadows

in the Indo-Pak match--

the last ball


Drunken with force

spreading the century's sore:

nine eleven


Freedom to kill

with faith in divine regime:

terrorist's peace


Watches the snow rain

with finger on the trigger:

insurgence in Drass


Reaching nowhere--

ideas flying from the minds

of top echelons


Himself doesn't

listen but teaches



Her anger shifts

from manure to cellphone:

10 o' clock soap


Winking at her

in the dark--

power cut


Two peacocks

on a dancing spree:

see water



a few muddied crocs:

the river returns


Nibbling a leaf

between her fingers

a dragon-fly


A small frog

leaping on my hand

from the pothole


Birds crouch in nests

along the snow-clad path--

wheezing silence


Away from home--

smell of frying fish

in the air


Swimming afresh

in the glass box

two gold fish


Peace in silence

of the heart and body's cells:

Buddha's calm


Weaving its nest

Grass blade by grass blade



Sad and dull

his backyard poultry--

fears of bird flu


Mooching about

a rose petal in the sun--

a butterfly


An orgasmic view

from behind the car's window

the Taj Mahal


Perches nervously

on the fence a squirrel

nibbling its luck


Puppies groping

for the tits of our doggy

relaxing in sun

Copyright: R.K.Singh

Haiku - A Collection

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

virtual fence dog containtement The Virtual Fence system uses harmless spray technology, rather than painful shock. Almost all animal experts disapprove of shock because of the negative effects that it can cause On dogs with a low tolerance for pain it is cruel, harmful and abusive, and can cause long term side effects such as fearfulness.

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Underground Fence Vs Wireless - What is Better to Fit Your Dog Fence Needs?

!±8± Underground Fence Vs Wireless - What is Better to Fit Your Dog Fence Needs?

After fifteen years in the dog fence business I have seen a lot of products out there. Dog Guard, Pet Stop, Pet Safe, Dog Watch, Innotek and many more. I thought I would give my professional opinion on the best fence for the safety of your pet.

First is the underground, there are many brands to choose from. With a underground dog fence there is a transmitter typically installed in a dry area either in a garage or basement. After the transmitter is installed the loop wire is then installed. Some yards are larger than others so when you lay out the loop wire keep in mind that where you put the wire the dog will stay back anywhere from 4 feet to up to ten feet depending on the size of the yard. There are different methods that can be used to do this.

I would recommend calling the local tool rental store to see if they rent a machine for this, most of them do these days. Another way is to use a good lawn edger cut a slot then use a garden weed tool (short handled tool with a v at the end) to poke the wire down in the trench. When installing the wire remember to leave enough wire to get from the perimeter into the garage or basement. What I do is leave enough wire to insert both ends into my cordless drill and use the drill to twist the two together. Once twisted this area will not omit any signal so it will be safe for your dog to cross and safe in the garage or basement. This will also make it easy to lay the two wires in the same trench and easy to staple to the wall in the basement or garage. OK the wire is in three steps left. First use a skill saw with a asphalt blade to score a line in the driveway. After the score is done use a screwdriver to poke the wire into the score. To seal the drive I found that wet-dry roofing is not only the most cost efficient but also most effective. Next Place the flags the same distance away from the wire around the perimeter. Final step train your dog. As you can see there is a lot of work involved in the underground electronic dog fence.

The underground pet fence receiver activates when it enters the signal field and the wireless receiver activates when the receiver leaves the signal field.

OK now we now what is involved with the underground dog fence lets talk wireless.

The wireless pet fence is only manufactured by Pet Safe. The set up is simple depending on the size of your yard. Lets say you have a 1/4 acre lot.

On a 1/4 acre lot the ideal place to install the transmitter would be in the center of the house. Next install the transmitter by simply plug it in to a nearby outlet. After the transmitter is installed place the battery into the receiver. After the battery is installed it is time to mark the pets boundary with the flags. On a 1/4 acre the transmitter range will need to be turned close to all the way up. Unfortunately with the wireless fence it only works in a 360 degree radius of the transmitter, in other words up to a 90 foot radius around the transmitter making at total of 180 feet around. Take your flags and receiver and start walking to the edge until the receiver activates, then put in a flag. Continue around the property until you have flags about 10 feet a part around the entire property, then train your pet.

There you have it the wireless dog fence VS the the underground dog fence. If you have a small yard like a condo or town house then the wireless is probably for you. If you have a large yard then a underground fence is right for you. I my self have both I use the underground fence at home, not just to contain my pet but also it keeps him out of the gardens. I also have it wired in areas inside my house to keep them out of the cats area and the garbage. The wireless system I keep in my camper and flag a small area for them when camping. My dogs Chance, Frannie and Senior Nutts love the freedom at home or on vacation and I feel great knowing they are safe. I use the Pet Safe underground fence and the Pet Safe wireless system.

Thanks for reading more to come soon visit my blog for the latest post.

Underground Fence Vs Wireless - What is Better to Fit Your Dog Fence Needs?

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

How to Get Rid of Cat Fleas

!±8± How to Get Rid of Cat Fleas

Numerous antiparasitic products exist on the market under very different forms. Only a small number of them is really effective to fight against cat fleas. Indeed, the product must be not only active to fight against fleas, but also stay on the hair permanently to kill them before they have time to bite the cat and thus to provoke the allergy. The product must be particularly effective at the level of the rump where the majority of fleas can be found. The antiparasitic finally has to possess a certain resistance to the water to be able to preserve its efficiency when the cat goes out on a rainy day or washes herself.

• Powders
In powders, the antiparasitic is diluted with talc. During the application the product rarely penetrates up to the skin and the talc slides along the coat.
A few hours after the application there is no more enough product to kill fleas. The cat also risks, by licking itself, to swallow accidentally the antiparasitic.

• Sprays
They exterminate quickly fleas present on the animal at the time of the application. They have however the inconvenience to be diluted by water and the noise of the spray often frightens the cat at such a point that it is sometimes difficult to proceed with a second application. To be effective the product must be renewed at least once a week, even by dry weather.

• Shampoos
They can have an interest "as an aggressive treatment" during massive infestations. Inconvenience: when we rinse the cat after its shampoo, the major part of the anti-fleas solution disappears with the rinsing water. So there is no long-lasting effect. And then cats do not like particularly the water!

• Necklaces
The main advantage is an efficiency of several months but they act mainly around the neck while fleas are mostly localized between thighs or around the tail. Attention, certain necklaces are inactivated by the water and finally "exploratory" cats risk hanging themselves on a branch or a fence during a walk.

• Products to be swallowed
Very practical of use, these products act however only when the flea bites the cat (this one is then poisoned and killed). Attention! Some of these products do not kill the flea, but prevent it only from spawning. These products are useful in little infested environment or for animals difficult to treat, but, used alone, they are of no help for cats suffering from a real allergy to flea bites (because they do not prevent the bite).

• Atomizers
They leave a protective film of antiparasitic solution on the hair of the cat which poisons fleas by simple contact in the minutes which follow their arrival on the cat. They prevent bites, and are particularly recommended for allergic animals. Their duration of action is about 1 month. Waterproof, they are invisible on the animal. They can, on the other hand, turn out to be difficult to apply on recalcitrant cats or on those with long hairs.

• Pipettes
It is enough to deposit their contents on the neck of the cat. The product spreads itself alone on the whole body in one day approximately. Pipettes possess all the qualities of atomizers with the ease of application on top of that. They sometimes turn out a little less powerful in case of massive infestation.

• Devices with ultrasounds
Were never able to give evidence of their efficiency.

Advice: in every case, it is better to associate a product for the environment together with treatments used on animals.

Is it necessary to use these products as a precautionary measure?

YES, you should not wait to notice that your companion has fleas, because then it is too late.

It is highly recommended to use antiparasitic products from March and until November. It is evident that by having outdoor access, your cat risk to catch fleas, rather when it is warm (spring through autumn). But she will also going to bring fleas inside your house. Cat fleas are going to lay eggs which will become larvae. These are going to develop and to give grown-up fleas. Now inside the house it is "always" warm. Your cat thus risks to have fleas all year round.
If your cat does not go out, be aware that fleas can come from outside. They can move and pass under your front door, come on your balcony, be brought by nearby animals infested by fleas. It is thus possible that your cat has fleas even if she does not go out. Furthermore, there can be fleas eggs in your home which will give then grown-up fleas.

That is why, it is recommended that you treat your cat nonstop, during summer as well as winter, every month, whether you live in an apartment or in a house so that she will be effectively protected.

How to Get Rid of Cat Fleas

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Are you interested? Exorcism and deliverance - Protect yourself and your loved ones

!±8± Are you interested? Exorcism and deliverance - Protect yourself and your loved ones

He suffers from unexplained, persistent, recurring or unusual health problems? They always attack your dealings finances, health or family? You have addiction or dependency? Do you think you do not have long-term love relationships is never, dreams and goals in your heart, never the full physical health or wealth that we see the next shoe to fall for ever that you take a step forward and twoSetbacks, which are not worthy enough, not smart enough, not good enough? If you said yes to any of these, you need to know where this comes from the negative signal, and the cycle of abuse. You're abusing that are targeted to, and it's time to give the tools to respond and show the invisible forces to attack you and your family - the holy angels.

All angels were originally created holy, but were created with free will, as well asThe people were. Through the misuse of free will Angels were in the days of Noah, who came on earth, and materialized for the male body. "The sons of God saw the daughters of men were beautiful, and married one of them chose ... The Nephilim were on the earth in those days when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and children in their . '(Genesis 6:2-4) This race soulless hybrid giant destructive God destroyed in the flood. These angels were God, then letcalled fallen angels, evil spirits, demons or angels wicked.

They were now on the same side of the fence, as an angel named Satan, the first angel, who rebelled against God in the Garden of Eden. Allowed since the flood, neither Satan nor profane angels in physical form, never happen again. But I'm still looking, such as fog, lighting, etc., appear as angels, saints, and try to check behind the scenes. Therefore, it is looking for people to handlebe their "eyes and hands." They want you to do for their destruction. You want everything to destroy what God loves - and that includes the earth, your loved ones ... and you. And to know the demons that have little time, so what is so much confusion and destruction as possible.

How can we be attacked? God gave us free will is like a soap bubble or a shield around us. Sometimes there may be holes in this plate. The holes are open for attack and manipulation. This not only hurtsGod (because we are his children and an attack on us is an attack on God), but can distract and confuse us, always the true potential that God has created us to be. If this shield of free will is violated, as it continued in a voice whispering in our ears annoying things destructive and negative. This creates a war in our hearts because we know in our minds that these things do not really know how we feel, or want to live our lives. Within our souls we remember, there are sparksthe divine flame, and were created to be happy, healthy life full of abundance in all good things. Note that this item is negative: it is a trick, a lie. And you can connect it to heal the injured or tampered areas and have peace and joy again from Deliverance special prayers to heal the holes and get all of you that is not light and love. "I had the impression that there was something wrong with me. Now I feel happy for the first timein a very long time. "- A. TN

Deliverance and exorcism are often ignored in modern churches, or privately, as a sacred secret only a few privileged to be known. But it was so early. Every person, no matter what religion they are, must know how to fight against the wicked forces and purify our bodies, homes and sacred spaces. We have God's authority to bind and to loose the power of thought, his representative anointed, Jesus Christ. All the angels knowwho is among the wicked angels, and is the name that will be used to fight against it should. Jesus said: "I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (Matthew 16:19, 18:18) Jesus taught his disciples to cast out demons right in addition to their teaching on healing the sick and preaching the kingdom of God. "Heal the sick, cast out devils ...." (Matthew 10:5-8) (Luke 8.26-39) (Read More inArticle Why Jesus' life is important beyond religion)

Sometimes the holes in the shield of free will are drilled through the outside. This can be through physical, emotional maltreatment or sexual abuse. Sometimes we have some holes himself, from the inside out. This can be times of great negative emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, or even occur, addictions of all kinds; willful sin (doing things we know we should not do, but they do still know the difference between right andwrong and have the choice of evil), certain drugs, severe lack of trust, forgiveness of all types, including forgiveness towards others, themselves and their situations, and you choose love over fear.

After inspection, as can happen manipulation, gives you the possibility to allocate more to themselves and others, when words and actions have not been kind. It helps you to recognize what caused the holes and stop attacking everything that opens more. "I could notSleep at night, and felt the anger bubbling all the time - I even called my wife for the last time - I was on the verge of suicide ... Blessed Tiffany and her father, Billy Clark was praying prayer "liberation" and passing by a darkness that did not even know I had - I was behind even easier - and now you want to live? "JS Law Lawyer

There are several types of prayers for various things, some can be said of all, because we are all children of God but if there is moreagainst you, as you know, or for those confused or waver in faith, you need a person who is stronger in the conviction to support this process back your freedom. Those who are ordained by the Holy Angels clerical responsibilities recognized special authority granted to them by God, cast out demons and angels will be wicked to know. When the prayers are said, an invisible war is underway, and the wicked angels fought and removed from you and yourEnvironment.

You can also say that this prayer to cover those under your care - children as adults for the office area where you live and all those you care about such as the elderly and people with serious challenges. The holes in the shield of free will can be closed. A good priest will also help to identify a person, what could be these holes (forgiveness, addictions to pornography, etc.), so the person can not accept any weaknesses and make them strong again recognize anddangerous situations and take positive and healthy to avoid or get out. Holes in free will can also be invoked with prayer divine decrees, which are healed by God through the Sacred Stigmata given.

Here is a prayer of deliverance, you can say for you, at any time - and has the clarity that you can have and how light and refreshing to be surprised as you want without the indignity depression, negative votes, the lack of plenty of breaks, illnesses, they feelDifficulty to pray, etc., may have pervades our lives for years and years. Copy it and take it with you wherever you go. There is no limit to the number of times is repeated each time the calls are fighting in the holy angels for you. You can feel the peace and joy again!

Deliverance Prayer: "Father, if there are angels are wicked, on, near or around me, I continue to nail just to silence and to be close, retain and encapsulate through the power of the shed blood of your Son.Jesus Christ. I will lead them to your presence with the Lord now as you think best offer. We fill all the empty spaces and isolated places in me with your love and your light. Thank you Father, in Jesus' name. Amen. "

Repeat this prayer every time you feel the need. Every day, several times a day if you have a lack of clarity, or feel the thrill and excitement when you think that nothing has come upon you, or fear or negative thoughts come to mind. Remember, this is not to be feared."Not by might happen, nor by power but by my spirit says the Lord of hosts." (Zechariah 4:6) And remember that does not mean that you're a bad person if you need a prayer of deliverance. In many cases, as with the dog poop on your shoe, it's just something that occurred and are now taking with you. Even if the source of contamination was far behind him, without even knowing you carry it along with your home, your workplace and your children, and I wonder where the smellcomes. Remember that the smell is not true, but you can do something now, anyway.

What is the difference between deliverance and exorcism? The exorcism is necessary when it is pushed at a full acquisition of a person, in which they governed themselves by their life and in the darkness. A priest should always be an expert here. If our free will is almost taken from us, God will work to the person the freedom to love without acknowledging the errors again, but theRepresentatives stand in faith with the person who needs to have confidence in the power of God, and we know without a shadow of a doubt that love conquers fear. It 's rare that a person is truly possessed. Possession is the absolute control of the demonic person.

And 'demonic oppression, in which being attacked nature of good and regular person. But above all it is a bad system of disability / it occurs (liberation). This is very common. Most people who have only evil to be tightened beforePast bad decisions (sin), has a real right to be there, a contract, as they were, and do not let go easily. "Be sober and vigilant. Your adversary the devil creeps around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. "(1 Peter 5:8) But as a redeemed child of God, you also have the right to ask God to remove this contract. You just have to ask , and divine love is to heal the damaged areas of free will and help you become demanding, strong and healthy again.

Thenot as long ago did not matter, you can attack and attack wicked angels, and they are not just "off". In fact, we rarely see one, look at the roots and call their friends when they find a home. Similar to the hurt and get infected wound, demons often use these damaged areas to dig in our tanks, one filled with injury and illness. For the moment we are able to develop a thin crust on it and think it over, but in the meantime the infection under the crust of the factDevastation and we rode. Let's take an example, say a kid we did not have the love of a father. In this case, the waste is then wrapped in a rip our spirit our defense (shield of free will) and as soon as we can get infections very real spirit of the "spirit of unworthiness," "the spirit of resentment," " the spirit of intransigence "or" the spirit of hatred of men. "

Angels are usually the names of the wicked can accentuate feelings. Sincehave no physical body, not usually have names like George, ethane and the like. In general, during an exorcism, we appeal to all demonic spirits from the behavior that show. One of the gifts of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12 lists the "discernment of spirits." We do not want is no power to profane angels by referring to them with their personal name, even though we told them, or because the person already knows that drove myself, and so can be used which are expressedDemon. I want to have idolized demons or divine - who want their names known. But this is all we have to do to see what is their most important feature, and call them for this. For this reason, many occult books the name of them, only for the reason of ego, power and personal identity, which is absolutely contrary to the kind of modest holy angels, all glory and honor to give the name of God

During an exorcism is to allow that there is need of "Hollywood" typeDemonstrations. While fearing the demons, from which the wildlife around the person who helped (often without the individual, with a reminder for it) wants to stimulate the break, there will be a wise priest nail bind to silence, and dismantling non-demons , before that happens. "Watch ye therefore the Lord. Resist the devil and he will flee from you". (James 4:7) with a person is always nice to read scriptures during an exorcism, and another person or two to helpPriests keep the person safe and highly recommended.

This will minimize the injury and temper tantrums demons want to take the person to occupy them while they are still in combat with the holy angels. Love always wins, and the weight is lifted, and regained their freedom. Again, it is very common to need prayer for salvation, but very rarely needed for the prayers of exorcism. The information provided here is simply the difference between the two, and that there isReason to be afraid of both, are responsible for the deliverance and exorcism to cure and not the problem.

Unexplained, persistent, recurring or unusual health problems and constant attacks on finances, relationships, physical health or family and the result of attacks by the wicked angels. But there are steps you can take power. Others may make prayers for deliverance and exorcism of the new peace and joy in our lives we have always desired for a long time. And with this newClarity is the confidence, security, joy and peace that we were created for a beloved child of God - and it is only a prayer away.

Are you interested? Exorcism and deliverance - Protect yourself and your loved ones

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Goddess Inspiration

!±8± Goddess Inspiration

You are so busy doing, doing that suddenly the hour, day, month, year is gone and everything seems like a blur? Have you ever wondered. "Why am I here There must be more to life than this"

I asked these questions. In the hope of some answers, I read books, took classes, meditate, and also became certified in several healing methods. No matter what I did was something missing! Some pieces of the puzzle of life I've played. I've heard, whatever the missing pieceIt was all pulling together, let me see the whole picture. In the midst of my confusion, I met Monica Garaycochea, l ', creator and founder teacher dedicated to the goddess of inspiration, a seminar to help women discover their true nature.

I asked Monica: "How did the trip?" Monica took a deep breath and began .. "It 'started about fifteen years ago, in Spain, my home was a successful physician with a clinic, a successful man I was married, had a beautifulHouse, a beautiful, healthy baby, and was well respected in society. Retrieved from "outside" all appeared happy, but the truth was that there was something missing "inside." I was deeply dissatisfied. I tried to keep you occupied, tut tut, take part in my clinic, my home, the child, her husband, her friends, but no amount or distractions could keep my world from falling apart. For my family and close relations were extremely important to me and these were the first to reveal. My close relationshipit was absolutely painful. I felt like a wounded animal trapped without an escape, alone and vulnerable. To survive, I said the only way I knew, I was shocked the outside world and kept creating more and arguments that led to serious problems.

When I look back on this period of my life, I realize that it was completely empty. I had nothing to give "real". I did my void, demanding that they cover. It 'been a hell for me, just like everyone in my area.

This time in my lifeunfortunately ended in divorce. But through the pain of divorce, I felt compelled to look inside myself. Fortunately, I found the courage and support for my life and my face. This is. When I jumped on my personal labyrinth to heal my wounds, and forgive me, "Monica has a quiet moment of reflection before continuing." During this period I discovered many things about me. Being the most important discovery, I realized that I did not know and honor of my femininity. What does "being female", ieme? That was a huge problem. Honestly for me, which meant that I was a human female to be second class, irrational, emotional distress, manipulative, seductive and painful. Therefore, I deny my femininity. To adapt and be comfortable in this world, I developed my mind and was very intelligent, capable, practical, rational, successful ...

Then one day, during a quiet moment, my heart, presented these questions. Because God has created men and women? Why am I a woman? And whatdoes this mean for me? Today I know that these questions at the end I have connected with my passion for life. Once I accepted that my body was not an accident, a woman's body in a divine and sacred gift. This beautiful trail led me to recognize the divine goddess -. A gift that is in every woman "

I asked Monica, "I can also experience my inner goddess?" Without hesitation, Monica responded enthusiastically: "Yes!"

I immediately asked: "How?" Monicalaughed and said: "The first step is to recognize and celebrate the wonder of the female body Have you ever thought about the difference between the male and female body, male sexual organs on the outside easily, are clearly visible, the object.? to outside. To me, this gives me an understanding of the male energy as the more outgoing, more action-oriented and goal-oriented. In contrast, the female reproductive organs are internal, showsEnergy, the more invisible oriented, more introspective, is mysterious. The wisdom that we can experience through the ceremony and the feeling of the womb of our mother, is very powerful. "Understanding" of our tours, we can also "embrace" the wisdom of conception, pregnancy and the birth of creation. I refer not only children, although she was a child was the greatest miracle I have ever seen in my life, but I'm talking about every kind of creation, a project, desire, thoughts, etc.. If we are aware that for inner wisdom,we can more easily embrace the cycle of life: birth and death, day and night, new moon and full moon, light and darkness ... To understand this, from the bottom, it means that life is an experience and every moment is magical. You will no longer afraid to live, but feel your connection with the power of life and experience of course the flow of life. "

I was confused and asked Monica to explain what he means with the help of your womb, the life experience. Monica knew it was a newConcept for me, so he kept gently and with love. "This is not something that can be explained logically. It can only be experienced, but I will do my best to give you an idea.

I see the female body as an instrument of divine communication that helps us learn from this physical world. This gift is wrapped in the form of a beautiful female body and has the ability, the Universal Spirit in us and through us to awaken to enable women to expand their experience and divinityand holiness in a concrete way. What a concept! If we know more and be intimate with our bodies, we learn a new language. This new language is the essence of femininity, it is awakened and developed during the workshop Goddess inspired by various methods such as the playful dance, graphics, exercises, body language and ceremonies. I see the female organs as a representative of the Universal Womb, where all creation begins. Our body and the miracle of the menstrual cycle, allowingWomen at a level of openness that goes beyond thoughts of mental experience, because it is magic, is unpredictable, there are patients, it is accepted, it's quiet, it is unconditional and absolute pure potentiality. "

I was curious and wanted to know more. "What is your vision for inspiration Goddess?" Monica said: "My vision for Goddess Inspiration is to encourage all women on earth to recognize and honor their holiness and experience their divinity, the image of Sir Edward Burnes-Jones."The Mirror of Venus" (the title), exemplifies my vision for the workshop. The workshop is for women only and offers the possibility, in our true inner self to seek the safety of the sisters of other women. "

I was fascinated! So I asked Monica to tell me more about the philosophy of the goddess of inspiration. Monica said: "Goddess of inspiration, the way in which wounds heal, offering the belief that our spirituality, our divinity is created separately from our matter, ourBody, our physical world. It is not separate! Doubting Your direct line to "Deity" prevents truly know and feel the love, because this perception of separateness will be immortalized in your world. With this idea of ​​separation, we can find peace. We may be afraid to fight, compete with each other or judge. We can keep the world from our holiness and piety, or fear, judgments and thoughts of separation. The choice is ours! However, if we have the courage to findOur roots are in this physical body and physical world works like this, it is possible to argue that the light illuminate the world.

The goddess of inspiration, you can see everyone enjoys the benefits of both male and female aspects in their being-ness. Goddess Inspiration recognizes these two aspects, but focuses on the female. The manly virtues are well developed, while the feminine virtues need to be revived anddeveloped so that we can see more of a balance or harmony in our personality. Imagine a world with an action that honors the heart, the soul and the mysteries of life. "

I asked: "How do you bring these gifts of the feminine into our consciousness?" Monica said: "I use the myths of ancient gods, hence the name of the goddess of inspiration I decided to go for the ancient goddesses because of the similarities between the values ​​of our society is a patriarchal culture, because I use myths ..?Mythological tales have a powerful tool to explain the use of parables, life experiences. Each goddess, we will explore an aspect of our exemplary personality. As we identify with the different goddesses and their unique personalities, we begin to understand and embrace who we are. We celebrate our uniqueness, while understanding and embracing the similarities.

The archetypes and personalities of the ancient goddesses are universal. We all experience different GoddessArchetypes in different stages of our lives. An archetype is an inner strength that a set of behaviors that we act in a certain concrete. An archetype, once activated, is very powerful. If you do not do anything original, then it is likely that you have become a victim of this archetype.

The good news is that through this seminar, you may be aware of the different archetypes. So instead of a victim, you can experience and learn to call the archetypesand how to support, if necessary. "

I asked Monica if you help the understanding of the various goddess archetypes we have only ourselves to better understand, or if it helps us relate better to other women in our lives. Monica said. "Of course, knowledge of the archetypes will help you learn and understand more and definitely help to understand and relate to other women with this secular understanding, you will be able to honor and respect all women in their model. They are not morehave a tendency to judge other women, rather than accept, recognize, encourage and celebrate their own way. "

I asked Monica to show me how this could be similar, said: "Ok, let's play!"

With our imagination, led me to Monica, a great trip for a wedding. In a flash, changing our environment and to my surprise we are sitting on the balcony of a beautiful church. From this point of view we see the whole church full of guests. All eyes are on how the bride and groomthey exchange their wedding vows. We focus our attention on the bride. It 'absolutely radiant as she says, "I do". Soon the couple kiss, sealing their vows. The bride looks into the eyes of her new husband, and we feel his deep connection and commitment to him. Smile, the couple will announce their guests and the minister, "It 'my great pleasure to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Maker". The bride slips from her husband's arm and felt very proud, almost beyond the unmarriedFriends should be like a queen slowly down the hall. This observation is Monica points out, this wife Hera, the goddess of marriage and commitment. For Hera, that a woman is the most important role in their lives.

We follow the couple to the reception which was held in a garden. Monica chooses a seat in one of the trees, where we see the goddess too cozy. It 'amazing! The flowers were in bloom and the breeze carries the scent of summer. The trees provide shadeand cool in the summer afternoon. It 'a very festive. Our goal is to host a women to serve food to attract more children. She is warm and affectionate, always looking for, check to see if someone needs something. She smiles and has fun, supporting others. Monica said it was a good example of Demeter, the goddess mother is abundant. Demeter life experience as a "caretaker", mother and nurse of general, as the most important role in theirLife.

Discover the branch of the tree, we have a woman who desperately seeking. Slowly, she approached a younger woman. She is dressed in a flowing dress pastel blue floral pattern with flowers in their hair. It seems so innocent, almost naive. We feel we can feel the pain of this troubled woman. He looks around the room, until it comes into visual contact with an older woman, the mother. Find a nod of appreciation, before speaking to this desperate woman. With his motherOkay, sits beside the young woman and the woman starts a conversation, offer comfort and a reassuring hug. Monica smiles and says: "This young woman is Persephone, goddess of a very sensitive and intuitive, is the experience of life beyond the physical world ..

We heard a noise and look around. There is a confusion from the area near the fountain. We see many guests are thrilled and leave the area. This is when we see two dogs fighting. The group will move a womanquickly and decisively to separate the dogs. It has a touch of confidence to interact with animals and animals for their sweetness and balance. While petting the dog and relaxing, controlling the dogs to injury. Soon the two dogs that are fighting a few minutes, he played beautifully and go merrily on their way. We really love this woman, so let's take a closer look. It seems a little 'out of place for a wedding. He has a style all their own. Her dress is very casual andcomfortable. She is not wearing any make-up and even though his hair is gray, do nothing to hide. When he returned to his friends to finish their conversation, a man approaches, but leaves soon. The emotional debate on women's rights and protection of children has caused discomfort. Monica tells of Artemis. Artemis is passionate about protecting the rights of women and sisterhood of women, children and all the creatures of the earth.

TheThe reception area is alive with joy, laughter and music. Many guests dancing. Our attention to it, a group that is deliberately detach themselves from the party has moved. A woman at the center of this group captures our attention. He was a tall woman in a classic style, cream-colored suit skirt. Her hair is cut to fashion. It seems indeed to be "perfect", as if they had left the cover of some magazine. It seems very confident and is involved in a lively discussion. And 'the onlyWoman among several men and seems very comfortable in this situation. Our focus is on conversation, and we are surprised by their know-how, business mixed with pleasure. It 'explained by multiple strategies and tips, how to be successful in business, as they climbed the corporate ladder to become VP. We are so immersed in conversation that we almost fall from the tree. Monica smiles and says: ". It 'obvious that Athena is in her element and enjoying" GoddessAthena is an intellectual who is very driven and career success.

Since our balance back into the tree, we see a new couple has just arrived. The man is well dressed and his wife has a dress that coordinates. They look great together. They draped over his arm, no doubt are a couple. Leaves her husband to drink and a plate of food to serve, before she receives the food. The table food, begins to someone who looks like a big man to speak.Under the man's arm, leads him to her husband and engage them in conversation. Monica calls this behavior is typical of Hera, the support of her husband, be powerful and important. Mid-sentence men to go quietly. Hera's behavior changes suddenly, the eyes move in the direction of the charm of her husband. He noticed a woman dancing provocative and sensual. It adds the arm below the elbow and her husband moved in close, almost in a protective attitude. She is jealous.Monica cries: "I know that feeling!"

Could not miss this woman, wearing a wrap-around red dress, and she, of course, with great care with her makeup and hair. She exudes confidence, both in how you look and movement of his body. Flowing with the rhythm of music. And 'more than beautiful, is in love with her experience and to view each course taken. She is aware of people looking for her, but does not interfere with or distractinnocence is the pure experience. She is the embodiment of passion and the man who is with the dance, is excited about this display as we do. We are on this screen, you lose track of time enraptured. I need to shake Monica from her trance. "Hey, who is this goddess?" Monica says that Aphrodite, goddess of love and sensuality. It 'very easy to lose track of time with this goddess. Do you like beauty for beauty, Aphrodite is only now we can inspireto be "A" as "IN LOVE" with ourselves, the mind, another person, project, or life in general.

Monica asked me: "How do you want to experience and enjoy all these goddesses?" My response was: "It 'really possible?" Monica smiled and said. "Yes, the gift that every woman in it"

I responded with enthusiasm ... "Where do I sign for me?"

Goddess InspirationTM, meeting with your inner woman

As women, we are asked so many things around us andothers. We are mothers, sisters, bosses, lovers, women, engineers and pilots. If we are so in the amount of our lives, because so many women feel more lost and out of control than in the past?

We expand and expand, so that we have our stores are empathy and compassion to be well run dry. As May Day is a reminder to us of our roots women, take a personal inventory. As the earth warms and wakes up wondering what I want for my life? Maybe you wantmore in connection with your partner or family, or your body will be pleased with herself. You have decided to show more fully in your life? Are you willing to give up the old and embrace the now?

In the last five years I saw my life headed in the direction that I longed for time as the result of a collaboration with Dr. Monica Garaycoechea. I'm always with a renewed sense of curiosity about life. Even on a bad day I ask myself: "What's next What's new for me?" Ihave acquired the tools for life that I wanted to move all together. How does it manifest the fulfillment of our connection with the Divine Feminine such profound results?

Goddess Inspiration

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Monday, August 15, 2011

The four qualities of a good riding instructor

!±8± The four qualities of a good riding instructor

Horse in Europe and the United States has given me ample opportunity to determine what separates a good teacher from a bad one. Riding lessons are not cheap. You, the students are right to be happy with the caliber of teaching that make and receive the rate of progress you make.

A good way to find out if a teacher has the following important features are its teachings to see and talk to existing students.


We all know the saying "theThose who can, do and those who can not teach. "But driving is one of the disciplines in which a teacher, drives well inspired more confidence than one that does. Not all the pilots good good coach, but a good coach, I was a good driver.

Ideally, teachers should guide with expertise in at least one level higher than their students. If you are active and successful competitors, the better. You can also prepare for the pilots involvedshows.

Even if the coach rides well, he or she must be able to communicate directions clearly explains the "why" and "how". Students should understand the reasons for training, not just how it goes. A good teacher will strive to ensure that students understand what is required of him, and patience necessary to repeat the explanation.

And 'useful if the teacher is ready to get on the horse of a student and work through problems. Sitting on a horse is oftenTroubleshooting is easier for a simple advice from the ground. I had a cross-country coach, I spend my gelding shortening thought before joining a fence until you get on the horse. "Ah!" He said: "It is not true - he does himself." He was then able to teach me to help my horse.


Unfortunately this is not a universal quality driving instructor. The focus is entirely on the driver or the phone and chat with other people during theLesson? It 'important to have a barn, where the instructor is to find the lessons seriously. Riding should be fun, but no progress without considering the students are paid.

Students have spoken, respectful, or feel stupid in front of other drivers or spectators? If you do not want a coach who has used a student's weaknesses in order to get a cheap laugh. The coach should be a pleasant learning environment for riders of all levels and abilities.

A quickWay to find out if the teacher takes his work seriously. This is the lesson to begin immediately and continue for the allotted time? An acceptable reason for the shortening of the lesson is if the horse has performed well, with an unexpected speed. When he jumped so high, the question of why you continue until he is tired and he refuses? If he masters a new dressage movement, led him why? The instructor should reward ending soon: teaches the student to showRegardless of the animal and keep the horse fresh and ready

But when the instructor demonstrates regularly late for class and / or ends prematurely for no good reason for a different look. Time and money are too precious for you to endure the rudeness.


Instructors must have a new knowledge with students, asking what their goals are to start. How else will help it get there? For students on their horses, ask the master of their mounts'Age and training and an overview of what the owner can reasonably expect to achieve? Maybe they want to compete in a novice one day event, or 3 '6 "jump in class, or move from school to first level dressage.

The next step is to assess how realistic the goals and future student frustration can be avoided by the adoption of a reasonable time to achieve these objectives. The teacher should be obliged his success to students with little or as much time as is necessaryto the cause. The process should not be spun to make more money.

And 'Here it becomes important to determine whether existing or future customers to go ahead with the professor. Is he or she is based on the previous lesson by adding more challenges (if any), or do the same every time?

Is he or she is willing to attend shows with students? For many motorists the ultimate goal is to compete. This can be very intimidating and the teacherevent is a big help to calm the nerves and really focus on it.


No matter how well a teacher, if it is not like his personality or teaching style. Their temperaments must match, otherwise you will have difficulty on the person and listening to the statement.

But you can accept some negative aspects, if they meet the coach. My instructor jumping in Germany is an example. During group classes, yelling at my husbandand I, "you can jump, but you can not drive!" But it was nothing personal in his speech - it was hard for everyone, and always told the truth. A jumper show great success, he knew what he was talking and I was becoming involved in a winner - what he has achieved. And 'one of the best coaches I've ever had.

However, obvious personality clashes will lead to unhappiness on both sides.

Closing remarks

A teacher must demonstrate all four qualitiesto be right for you?

As shown above, you can have a good working relationship with less than perfect teacher! But not for an incompetent person, rude and also not going to help you achieve your goals is to pay interest. Want to meet your time riding and fun. Accept some 'margin for the side of the personality, but not short-selling of other qualities.

The four qualities of a good riding instructor

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Warning to new owners - if you buy an electronic fence for your dog, please read first!

!±8± Warning to new owners - if you buy an electronic fence for your dog, please read first!

It has not escaped our attention, there is a company offering a puppy on their electronic dog fence set as early as 8-12 weeks of age.


Your puppy could be irreparably damaged by this operation. Studies have shown that all puppies go through a "fear imprint" stage 6-16 weeks of age. Anything that can affect them psychologically, during this period can and mark them for life. Do not take my word for it, ask your veterinarian or a dogDog trainer or behaviorist, and see what they say.

What could be just some of the changes in the short and long-term psychological one of these puppies are?

A dog may be more timid, shy and reserved. Often this can also increase anxiety about the attack or defensive bite.

Your puppy may be confused about the boundaries and start going to the bathroom in the house.

Or it may mean that your dog can become aggressive.

Do you really think that a puppy is mentallyready to learn at this age? Watch your puppy. The attention span is very short and sporadic.

Just because someone is like a dog fence company does not mean you know anything about your dog's behavior or well-being. There is actually a bad reputation with others in the industry, and professional dog trainers have. Professional real dog wants the best for your pets and dogs in general. It is not just a question of money. Customers, it would make a dog knowsnothing of the dog's behavior. And 'cruel. And 'barbarian. It's wrong.

If you decide to invest your life with a company electronic dog fence ... Great! Electronic dog fencing is one of the best things you can do for most dogs. Just make sure it is done right. Do not put the old dog on an electronic fence system of the first 16 weeks. Wait until a puppy 16 weeks of age is a minor inconvenience, if at all. Also ask your vet, dog behaviorist or dogTrainer.

Warning to new owners - if you buy an electronic fence for your dog, please read first!

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